However, it is a welcome addition for fans of the new show which is available now over on Amazon Prime and after checking out the first couple of episodes, I can’t recommend it enough. There’s nothing all that special about the new voice files, and it swaps between the three hosts at random. Azozz ALFiras does a great job by adding app versions inside his tweak settings. In the past, we’ve seen the likes of Morgan Freeman and Shaquille O’ Neal do the same through Waze. Restart Waze, go into Settings -> Voice and Sound and change the voice to Randy. The “Top Gear Trio” aren’t the first celebrities to take on giving users direction either. It’s time to give your commute a hilarious jump-start: your favorite Top Gear dudes-Clarkson, Hammond and May-are your newest celebrity navigation guides in the Waze app! What could go wrong? To access it simply head into Waze settings, tap “Voice language,” and select “English (US) – Clarkson, Hammond, and May.” Once the new voice files download, users will be able to use them until early February when the promotion expires.
The update, live now on both Android and iOS, adds the trio’s voices to the voice language settings as a variant of English (US).

Now, Amazon is teaming up with Waze to promote its new show, “The Grand Tour” by adding navigation directions voiced by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May. Navigation by smartphone is easy and convenient, and the Google-owned Waze app is the top pick for many. Additional navigation options can be configured with voice commands too, and you can instruct Waze to pick a route with or without highways or tolls by telling Google Assistant to allow/avoid.